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Hyderabad Municipal Corporation seizes Taj Banjara for failing to pay property taxes


Feb 21, 2025

A five-star hotel in posh Banjara Hills was seized by the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) on Friday for nonpayment of property taxes.

Hyderabad’s star hotel was seized for failing to pay property taxes.

GHMC officials claimed that despite multiple warnings, Taj Banjara’s management has not paid the outstanding balance of Rs 1.43 crore.

The building on Road Number 3 in Banjara Hills was seized by the city authorities since the hotel did not pay the debts despite a ‘Red notice’.

The hotel management has not paid the property tax for the past two years, according to GHMC officials.

The hotel management communicated that the outstanding balance would be settled by the end of the day after the GHMC action.

In order to collect the property tax from defaulters, the GHMC officials promised to be severe.

They stated unequivocally that they will take possession of properties in order to recoup the debt.

Property owners inside the GHMC’s boundaries must pay Rs 9,800 crore in unpaid property taxes to the GHMC.

The local body has set a property tax target of Rs. 2,200 crore for the current fiscal year, and as of last month, Rs. 1,400 crore had been collected.

Only 12 lakh of the 23 lakh buildings inside the GHMC boundaries have owners who pay property taxes on time.

The GHMC collected Rs. 320 crore in property taxes from 1.08 lakh buildings in the previous fiscal year.

The officers have been instructed by GHMC Commissioner K. Ilambarithi to take all necessary steps to collect unpaid property taxes.

The GHMC intends to reintroduce the One Time Settlement (OTS) program as part of these initiatives.

In an effort to address long-standing property tax concerns, GHMC stated on Thursday that it will hold “Property Tax Parishkaram” in all of its circle offices every Saturday from February 22 to March 29.

The grievance redressal program will cover topics like tax issues, revision petitions, property tax assessment corrections, online arrears clearing, bill collector/RTGS payments, court case resolutions, IGRS issues, self-assessment, and other tax-related issues. It will take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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