Club Mahindra, the flagship brand of Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited, has launched a new TVC ‘A Gift of Happiness”. The TVC is centred around the idea of gifting your loved ones the invaluable present of quality family time through a Club Mahindra membership.
In line with the brand’s commitment to providing unforgettable family holiday experiences, the campaign revolves around a son’s heartfelt gesture and the surprise gift of a ” 25 years Club Mahindra Membership to his parents. This thoughtful gift is more than just a membership; it represents the profound significance of family ties and the timeless essence of love. It serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize quality time with loved ones, emphasizing how the Club Mahindra membership elevates the vacationing experiences through its unique memberships.
The film opens with a heartwarming scene of a husband and wife trying to spend quality time together when their son presents them with a Club Mahindra membership as an anniversary gift. The gift is not just a thoughtful present but a sincere token of appreciation for the sacrifices the parents have made for their son. The film beautifully portrays this meaningful gesture, displaying how magical holiday experiences can further strengthen their family bond.
It further conveys that regardless of age, everyone deserves a vacation to relax and rejuvenate. This proposition mirrors the widespread aspiration for meaningful family moments and underscores the imperative to forge lasting memories.
The campaign is live across major leading channels and social media platforms.
Sharing his thoughts on the campaign, Pratik Mazumder, Chief Marketing Officer, Mahindra Holidays & Resorts India Limited, says, “Focusing on the enduring love between parents and children, our new campaign celebrates the essence of gifting exceptional holiday experiences to your loved ones. Gifting enables both parents and children to recreate fond memories, appreciate the sacrifices, and nurture the family bond. It emphasizes the deep connection that family members share, as well as the importance of making memories through exciting holiday experiences that will be cherished for a lifetime.
With Club Mahindra’s offerings of 125+ resorts and 2000+ experiences, we aim to create deeper relationships and remarkable memories for families that will last a lifetime.”
Source: Press Release
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